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Introducing TRIIIO's Qualified Candidate Plan
Introducing TRIIIO's new Qualified Candidate Plan. Meet candidates with interview recording, background and reference checks completed.

How using the Enneagram transformed this tech leader into a better people manager
Lukman Low Kian Seong often raises eyebrows when he tells people that he uses the Enneagram to manage people. For the uninitiated, the...

How To Get The Most Out of Your Recruiter
It’s not often we trumpet our achievements (we’re modest people, ahem). But recently one of our long-term clients gave us such a glowing...

Startups - the Good, the Bad, and the Inspirational
Some of the most successful startups are born out of frustration with status quo. For Ruben Soh, co-founder of Life Line Lab, that...

10 essential tech terms you should know - in plain English
New to hiring software engineers and feel like you’re drowning in a sea of jargon? Well, you came to the right place! As tech recruiters,...

How Louis Phang went from Bank Reject to Software Supernova
Louis Phang is what you’d call a rock star in the industry. In his current capacity as Principal Front End Engineer at Paynet, he is one...
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